

19 Dec, 2016

The video of the School of Territory 2016

The School of Territory 2016 is an initiative of Emilia-Romagna Planet Life Economy Foudation (PLEF) Delegation, in collaboration with Emilia-Romagna Region and the Chamber of Commerce Ravenna.
An exclusive itinerary of experiential training dedicated to Romagna businessmen and managers aimed at understanding how the strengths and uniqueness of the area increase the competitiveness and the added value of companies.
A video telling the experiential itinerary of the School of the Territory that in the month of November with Paolo Ricotti, Sara Cirone, Founder and Vice President of PLEF, and the 18 participants to the School, visited the business, the institutional and the cultural excellence of the territory of “Western Romagna and Ravenna“.

27 Jul, 2015

Sara Cirone’s Intervention on the Intangibles at the APCO Convention

Intervention of Sara Cirone, CEO of Stafer Spa to talk about her vision of “Sustainable Management” at the convention of Bologna organized by APCO (Italian Professional Association of Management Consultants).
27 Jul, 2015

IAn Interview with Sara Cirone on the Open Day Stafer

Sara Cirone, CEO of Stafer, was inteviewed in occasion of the Open Day of the enterprise organized in conjunction with the 1st Festival of Values of Enterprises promoted by Confindustria of Ravenna in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Association. An occasion to create participation between the citizenship of Faenza and the enterprise.
18 May, 2015

Full-lenght official video of “Il Senso Ritrovato”

The full-lenght video introducing the Project for EXPO 2015 “Il Senso Ritrovato” promoted by PLEF and supported by 5 sponsors of the territory: Curti S.p.A., Stafer S.p.A., Erbacci Group, Mpr and Zerocento. A video narrating the ethical commitment of 5 enterprises of the territory through the suggestive views of the badlands of Faenza. Therefore, the videos introducing the 5 organizations and telling their stories through the initiatives of social responsibility they have undertaken will follow. The realization of the video has been committed to the talent of a director and to a group of three actors native of Romagna region: respectively Matteo Tondini, Micheal Capozzi, Michele Gaudenzi and the participation, as narrating voice, of Franco Costantini
30 Apr, 2015

The official video of the Project “Il senso ritrovato”

The video introducing the Project for EXPO 2015 “Il senso ritrovato” promoted by PLEF and supported by 5 sponsors of the territory: Curti S.p.A., Stafer S.p.A., Erbacci Group, Mpr and Zerocento. An emotional video narrating the ethical commitment of these 5 enterprises of the territory through the suggestive view of the ravine of Faenza. The realization of the video has been also committed to the talent of a director and to a group of three actors of the Romagna region: respectively Matteo Tondini, Micheal Capozzi, Michele Gaudenzi and the participation, as narrating voice, of Franco Costantini.