The commitment of Atlas Solidarity and several business companies of the mechanical industry

The commitment of Atlas Solidarity and several business companies of the mechanical industry   by Sara Cirone.

Thanks to the active commitment on the territories of Atlas Solidarity, several business companies of the mechanical industry have provided 200 young people in Uganda with machinery in order to contribute to an effective training in the area of studies. Let’s have a look at the project.   

The aid action of Atlas
It is a conviction and not merely a slogan. The conviction that “if you meet a hungry man and you give him a cup of rice, you’ll feed him for a day. If you teach him how to grow rice, you’ll feed him for every day onward” (Confucius).  This is also the conviction of Atlas Solidarity whose aim is the realization of aid actions abroad (addressed to the poorest people of the developing countries) and in Italy (addressed to the people living in distress or seclusion).

What distinguishes the commitment of Atlas Solidarity is its activity. In fact, it is directly performed on the territory, which represents a resource to evaluate and to enhance.

A mission of empowerment 
Stafer has joined the project of Atlas Solidarity: the participation in the same frame of values and the synergy between subjects in the same region have made the realization of a mission of local empowerment possible.

This mission is animated by the intention to offer help directly in the local territories, so that it might be shared by a large number of people who can make it truly effective. Atlas Solidarity realizes real aid actions, which means, it provides local people with help in their growth through the transfer of competences and opportunities. In a word, the mission of Atlas Solidarity is the empowerment through the support in local projects of social and economic development.

Aid actions for a sustainable
Sustainability is a central concept in the project of Atlas Solidarity, fulfilling specific projects for the territory and bringing a general social and environmental wellbeing. For this purpose, economic resources and their crowdfunding are essential, but not sufficient. In fact, to serve the scope, a real transfer of competences to the people to whom projects are addressed is also necessary. Wellbeing means independence and responsibility, duration and stability, involvement and awareness of people in their territories.

The projects organized by this ONLUS aim at performing an effective and concrete action aid starting from the design, then continuing in the realization phase and finally creating the basis for the repetition of the activity in full autonomy is necessary. The sustainability of projects derives then from a stable and lasting aid in the long term (which is guaranteed and performed in the territories) and forms the responsibility that is at the heart of Atlas Solidarity.  

A model of wellbeing
Machineries are needed to teach mechanics. For all of the above reasons, it was not enough for two young teachers from Rena-Uganda to come as guests to Bologna and learn mechanics, but it was also necessary that they teach it in their country. The business companies of the mechanical industry have made a series of machineries available to train people in mechanics. Atlas Solidarity have organized and managed the project and these machineries have been destined to the equipment of the laboratory of the St. Theresa Vocational School, in Mahyoro.

Wellbeing originates in local territories and is addressed in favour of territories. Both its origin and diffusion are in the local areas. The project of Atlas Solidarity is a remarkable project starting in our region and addressed to far more distant regions that are, actually, also local territories.

The commitment of Atlas Solidarity and of the Emilia-Romagna business companies of the mechanical industry have contributed to concretely send machineries and equipment that will help the training of 200 young people in the mechanical studies. Stafer has thus contributed to the wellbeing of today and tomorrow in Uganda. A well-being enabling the progress of civilization.

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