A network of business companies named YOUFM

A network of business companies named YOUFM by Sara Cirone.

YOUFM: a commitment
YOUFM is the acronym of Unconventional Facility Management. The membership to YOUFM, a network of business companies, represents a commitment that expresses itself  in the concrete behaviour of the same towards a mission of responsibility for an efficient and – at the same time – sustainable-in-time business management. The network is primarily composed of a multiplicity of subjects and professional experiences. All together they constitute a plurality rather than an individuality: the real strength of this network dwells in these characteristics and in the real possibility of growth through the confrontation and the continuous evolution of its members.

The network as a creation of opportunity
YOUFM represents the choice to constitute a network, a group and a composition of business companies in which each one of them stands for an example of excellence and virtue, so that the network can achieve to widen the potential range of services in the original possibilities of every business company. Therefore, the network helps in the creation of opportunities, in the virtuous balance between autonomy, mutual cooperation and mutual promotion. Moreover, the network becomes the modality for the continuous enhancement of the quality and the efficiency in a sustainable perspective, where a cultural and social value, a reputation of trust and reliability for the clients and the stakeholders, is created besides the economic value.

Charter of Values and Ethical Code
Through the Charter of Values and the Ethical Code, the commitment of YOUFM is also addressed to provide the business companies with the inspiring principles of transparency and ethics for their concretely practised behaviours towards their stakeholders. The members of the network are committed to a democratic collaboration, founded on equity, equality, solidarity and they all adhere to an ethical code based on honesty, transparency, social responsibility and altruism.

The business companies are not only economic subjects
Several actors (the business companies of the network) have been involved in the process of elaboration of the Charter of Values and of the Ethical Code. Associated by the same spirit of shared contents, they have also unanimously expressed the values for a legitimate foundation of the actions of YOUFM. The most important rule is the coherence between the declared theoretical values and their transformation in an operational everyday practice. The general assumption has been the conviction that
 the business companies are not merely economic subjects, but they are responsible institutions with the duty to operate sustainable actions in support of and for the benefit of the other business companies of the network, their stakeholders and all the relevant community and society.

A guide for behaviour
Being means also behaving. Our essence as persons is made up of our principles and in their implementation. Values cannot exist without ethics. For this reason, the Charter of Values and the Ethical Code constitute a complete and unitary unicum with the aim to be the guide for the everyday entrepreneurial behaviour and the foundation of the ethical sensitiveness and responsibility of business companies. Beyond the performance in concrete actions, divulgation, communication and diffusion are also the main objectives.

A virtuous example
In the network YOUFM, the business companies share some fundamental resources for the implementation of their awareness and coherence, such as the knowledge of their own territory, the care for professionalism, the style of service, the excellence in the relation with the clients, an ethical approach, the central role of the client and the people working in the business companies of the network, the diffusion of the economic, social and civil culture.

YOUFM represents a virtuous example of a network of business companies that share a way of being and doing business in a sustainable and efficient way, in the respect of the ethical values of transparency, coherence, honesty and equity.






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