The moment we are living is a clear sign of the failure of the globalised economy, a development system which has proved really non-sustainable. Why do we say this? It’s clear that the actual economic model, which pushes the exploitation of environment and people at the maximum level, has generated a deep imbalance, so much to be the bearer of an invisible but really concrete threat, such as the pandemic of Covid-19, the product of a system that puts the focus no longer on the man but on money, that for avidity and in order to reach the maximum profit has destroyed ecosystems and has uprooted people from their own land, detaching them from the genius loci, that has represented over the centuries the winning feature of communities.

Globalisation as an uprooting from its own land
The transformation of the economy of the territory, based on the upskilling and of the enhancement of territorial specificities, in an uncontrolled exploitation only in order to achieve the maximization of revenue, without considering the consequences of that on people and nature, has led us to this catastrophic and uncontrolled situation. Never as today, the concatenation in economic and production terms is proving to be fragile and damaging and the consequences of the ethic, social, anthropologic and ecologic global crisis are showing up as social inequalities, disruptions, culture of waste, pollution, extinction of ecosystems and development of new diseases that impact on people, social and economic relationships.

The destruction of biodiversity as genesis of the pandemic
In fact, there is no question that the destruction of habitats and biodiversity, caused most of the time by economic reasons, breaks incredibly fragile ecological balances that have contained and thwarted until now the diffusion of microorganisms causing certain diseases transmitted to humans, spreading to densely populated areas and then quickly around the world due to the elimination of the “borders” that are not only geopolitical, elimination caused by the uncontrolled globalisation.

Devastating relapses
Considering the world and the nature only as reservoir from which to draw in and unlimited and disrespectful way, having as main paradigm the lowest cost of production, without considering he destructive consequences that this entails, has determined a really devastating relapse in social and economic terms that shall be taken into account once we get out of this emergency situation.

We have to think immediately about the after
So, what’s the world we want to build after? Do we really want “things the way they were”? What model do we want to deliver to our children?
A careful thinking is necessary about the values and the cultural investigation that this society is carrying on. How are people living in community? How do we produce what we need? How do we father, rase and educate our children? How do we foster the sense of friendship? How is the woman treated? What do you think of the job? And of our relationship with nature and the creation?

It’s now urgent to answer those questions with critical sense in order to recover our identity, our sense of local community, our sense of togetherness, of building together, each one of us beginning concretely form the reality in which we live, recovering the sense of the limit, of being a finite creature, placed in a very specific place. A place to be loved in its landscape, in its community of people, in its history and that can become a resource for itself and the whole community.

Territorial regeneration
So, we have to think back as soon as possible to this globalised model in order to restart from the local economies. It’s necessary to implement the solutions that can lead us to adopt models of life and consumption that are able to encourage the flowering of our economies and to develop the common good for our territories, each of us starting from its local specificity and from social and economic forms of activities which can be also characterised by a new model of approach and participation to the valorisation of the Territorial patrimony.

In this way, we will enjoy a new rebirth of the Italian territories and we can work together for the territorial regeneration of the tangible and intangible heritage of our country.






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