What it means to be part of a community? It will be possible, once the health emergency finished, to give a new economic and social impetus to our Country, to have a new impetus to regenerate the territories? Might be this period of crisis an opportunity to reconsider the idea of collective happiness so dear to Adriano Olivetti? In our opinion, yes. And now we explain you what we mean.

Restart from the community
In order to give a new life to our territories, in fact, we consider the vision of the great entrepreneur of Piemonte current: we need to start again from the community, the only way to “overcome the separation between industry and agriculture, between production and culture”. Only in this way, creating on the territories a full interaction among economic-productive world, public administrations, third sector and world of culture, it’s possible to lay the groundwork in order to create a virtuous network which works for the common Good and which produces a drop-down shared value, increasing well-being and the quality of life of our territories.

From the emergency a space for the discussion
The climate, health, social emergency and the use of our planet’s resources that are increasingly scarce require us to consider the future of our development system and they drive us to put into practice the integral ecology that Francis Pope is indicating us as the main sustainable model to ensure a future for our children and for our planet.
We are facing a huge challenge: the challenge of the sustainable development which requires a change in mentality and a global approach to the problems, in order to turn the criticalities into opportunities, starting from the concrete implementation of the Goals of the ONU Agenda 2030 within individual realities that everyone is living, whether they are big or small.

The Territorial heritage as the flywheel for a fair development
How to implement this change in view of a restart? We have to start from our Territorial Heritage. We can appreciate in every part of our Country Sites of Historical (monuments, churches, villas, archaeological sites), Natural Assets (waterways, mountains, valleys, plains, parcs, coast), Cultural Assets (Traditions, know-how, gastronomy), Relational Goods (networks of relations, meeting places, culture, sociality, spirituality), Goods and Economic Services (companies, cooperative societies, consortiums, trade associations, non-profit organisations) and Goods and Services for the community (public administrations, utilities, transport, law enforcement, health). It’s necessary to restart from this priceless heritage, in which Italy is really rich and which is closely tied to the community of the territory and which identify the genius loci to create a social innovation which is able to create new entrepreneurship and a reinterpretation of our economy from an evolutionary point of view.

From a competitive system to a collaborative system for the well-being of the community.
How to proceed? It’s necessary to put to system this territorial heritage, so that it can release all its potential. It’s necessary to accept and to develop new instruments and to go outside the comfort area. For example, it’s necessary to work in a coordinated and harmonious manner, giving up the competitive system in favour of a system of collaboration and solidarity. Only in this way it will be possible to redefine the values that constitute the togetherness of the society and it will be possible to achieve a greater social participation. In fact, the game of the innovation and of the future development of our society is played in the peripheries: the social relationships and interactions can be enhanced in a fairer system, in a system where the individual is highlighted in the context of its own community, thus determining a greater sense of belonging and the acknowledgment of its own role inside the society.

Our society will become really sustainable only if oriented to the common good and if it operates concretely in this direction: only then it will be possible to create a lasting material and immaterial value and which is more than proportional compared to the resources deployed.  The whole community will enjoy this value in economic and social terms, a value which will define a greater prosperity and a better quality of life for everyone.






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