The economic discussion is facing a huge challenge that requires a very new view insight into how we must pursue the development. This is no more time of the utilitarian rationality that sees man as the product of instrumental relationships and transactions. The rationality is an ontological, inherent datum that is expounded in complex shapes of reciprocity which are constitutive of man as man.

Today in fact, all the production forms of goods and services are measured and will always be measured considering the possibility that people have a proper relationship with themselves, their sense, with other people and with the environment. This multiple dimension suggests the importance of the value creation.

The declaration of intent by the American Corporates
The Business Roundtable is one of the most influential associations of the Corporate America whose members are more than 180 among the most prestigious American companies which employ ten million workers. The last 21 August a news reported that the Business Roundtable resulted in the signature of a joint declaration in which those companies establish a deep change: the end of the central role of the stakeholder, therefore the end of the profit maximisation. An ethical charter that is a veritable revolution of values and that moves towards a greater confirmation of the social impact. It’s something tat as always existed in Italy among the most important and enlightened Italian businessmen. One for all Adriano Olivetti which has been able to realise this view in an exemplary way since 1950s. Today, America discovers the Italian secret to do business and community paying attention to the impacts on the regions and to the quality of life.

The value must be bestowed upon customers, employees, suppliers and communities
“The big employers invest in employees and communities because they know that it’s the only way to be successful in long term” affirmed Jamie Dimon, the c.e.o. of Jp Morgan, the lead of the signatories to the declaration. All this is realised in an increasing propensity for the satisfaction of the customer’s expectations, who will have the possibility of a product wits increasing high quality; in investing on employees in terms of fair compensation and important benefits and in terms of training and education for the development of new skills; in enhancing the diversity, the integration, the dignity and the respect; in a fair and ethical treatment of the suppliers; in support to the communities in which companies operate, through the respect of people living there and the environmental protection by the adoption of sustainable practices. So, the long-term success goes through the sharing of its own value with all the stakeholder. It’s the only way to achieve a prosperous future for each person, for companies, for the community of reference and for the whole Country.

Benefit society and common benefit
All these aspects about the creation and the management of the tangible and intangible value are the core business of the Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society that provides consulting services to all those who can contribute towards the sustainability of the territory, so that they work together, in dialogue and harmony, to achieve the same objective: the sustainable development. The legal form of the Benefit Society is a business model that moves in this direction: Law of Sustainability 2016 – L. n. 208/2015 – has introduced in Italy the Benefit Society, a new legal form that is characterised by the high transparency, accountability and sustainability and also because at the moment of its foundation it shall disclose in its Statute beside the Social Object a Common Benefit. So, it’s an evolutional expression of the concept of enterprise: it pairs the for-profit purpose with the aim of having a positive influence on society, persons, communities, territory and environment, on goods and cultural and social activities, on entities and associations and on other stakeholders, in thus determining a value that is shared by the community. This positive impact should then be indicated in a clear and complete annual reporting. Sara Cirone Group Srl Benefit Society identifies in its statute three purposes of common benefit: to spread non-financial instruments of report, to promote the development of several projects shared by all players in the territory and to spread cultural models, legal forms and economic paradigms of humanist and sustainable nature. For us to fulfil the purposes of common benefit means to impact positively on the social welfare of the whole territory and its communities. To do this we wish to extend innovative business models of organisation and management to the companies and also to public administrations, to foundations, to associations and non-profit, so that all the entities within a same territory have the instruments to organise and plan together the strategies and actions of development. In this perspective, the company is not considered as a simple company, but as a community which works together to achieve the production of goods and services aimed at improving the quality of the life of all citizens. In this perspective, also the Public Administration is a community which works together whose tasks are integrated with those of companies, associations and more generally of civil society for the management of the common good. As the artisan workshops of the past, an organisation which lives and thrives thanks to the human, natural and symbolic resources of its territory, that is an essential element of its identity and of its development.

Centrality of the person for a new renaissance of the Italian territories
Our action moves from the belief that we should start again from man, from his worldview, from his role inside polis and from his relation with the other elements of the territory: institutions, company and organised civil society. We want to make and active contribution to the development of the civilisation through the fostering of organisational policies inspired by the centrality of the person, in order to give value to individuals and to the community. Our society aims to protect and promote the human, natural and symbolic resources of the territory, through specific studies, projects and experimentations in public, productive, organisational and social field by focusing on the distinctive and unique looks of the territory and on the UN Agenda 2030.
The listening to the humanity and the wish to evolve with her are the foundation of the proposal of Sara Cirone Group: not a stable and defined model but a participatory answer, that meets the particular needs of a community and of its territory.

This is the only way to promote a real process of territorial regeneration, to be considered not as a simple urban regeneration, but as a new renaissance of the Italian territories.






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