From capitalism to consumerism

From capitalism to consumerism. The culture of the waste.
The second stage of the roadshow “For the common good”, promoted by Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society and under the patronage of the Emilia Romagna Region and of the Italian Alliance for the sustainable Development, will take place in Imola, This will be a plastic free event and it will take place in Sersanti Club (piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 8) and, this time, it will be dedicated to the issue “From Capitalism to Consumerism. The culture of waste”.
At the speakers’ table, will take turns Alessandro Curti, entrepreneur and founder of the Curti Mechanical Enginnering company, Stefano Dalmonte, President of the Emilia Romagna Food Bank Foundation, Manuela Rontini, regional councillor, who will be introduced by the greetings of Fabio Bacchilega, President of the Cassa di Risparmio of Imola Foundation and of Sara Cirone, Founder of the Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society. Giovanni Bucchi will be moderating the debate.

Conscious consumption and justice for a responsible evolution.
At the centre of the debate, there will be three important issues to connect, so that a responsible evolution of the Italian territories can be realised: a conscious consumption of the resources, the justice for the poor, an economy as a support for the common Good.

The culture of the waste
As Pope Francesco has always claimed, the crisis that is threatening our planet, in fact, is an economic, anthropologic and ethic crisis, which starts first of all from the wearing out of human relationships: this is the culture of the waste, a real “disease pandemic of the contemporary world”, that no longer considers human life and respect and protection of the most vulnerable a value to be preserved. A dangerous subculture that addicted us, till it makes us consider the big injustices of the world as unchangeable and till it makes us be indifferent and self-referential. So, a new model of sustainable development was established, in which the rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

Respect people to respect environment
The victims of this culture are weak and fragile persons: new-borns, old people, sick people, disabled, poor, victims of wars, displaced persons, migrants, women subjected to violence, discouraged young people, families and persons of the “peripheries of existence”.
To ensure that our territory can enjoy a responsible evolution, it’s important to link environmental ecology to the human one: respect nature and environment means first of all respect persons. The man living in sober, without wasting and devastating nature is led to respect the others and vice versa. So, it’s necessary to question our way of thought and of action, our criteria of choice, so that we don’t become accomplices in a system based on waste and scrap of the environmental resources and of the foodstuff, in a world that is increasingly dominated by disparities that see, in every part of the world, a lot of people been marginalized and suffering hunger or malnutrition.

End hunger
In fact, the model of consumerism has used us to the unnecessary and to the daily waste, without remembering that “food discarded is, in a certain sense stolen, from the stable of poor and the starving.” (Pope Francesco).
So, it’s necessary to deal again with this important issue, that is also an object of the 2nd goal of the Agenda 2030: end hunger, achieve food safety, improve nutrition and promote a sustainable agriculture.
In fact, as in the ASviS 2019 Report, recently presented, after many years of decline, since 2014 the number of persons suffering hunger has increased. In 2015, there were 784 million undernourished persons, in 2017 they were 82 million. In Italy too, between 2016 and 2017, the indicators about the 2nd Goal saw a worsening.

Promote solidarity
It’s essential to oppose the culture of waste, of throwaway, by rejecting all inequities, creating a change in our consciousness and promoting solidarity and encounter, “giving voice to the silent one”. In Imola, we will try to lay the foundations to give concrete answers in the territory about these issues that are so important for the future of our civilisation.






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