From Literature to Art

On Friday April 14th, at 5 p.m., in the Santa Maria della Misericordia Church of Castel Bolognese, we will present the inauguration of Don Chisciotte, the artist Mario Pezzi’s exhibition.
This occasion and event does not only start from reading (and from literature in general) and reach art, but also represents the way mankind finds his expression and completely realizes his aware nature as legitimate part of our social sustainability perspective.
The Origins of an Association
This time, FARE LEGGERE TUTTI (MAKE EVERYBODY READS) suggests us an initiative merging literary and artistic creation worlds. The relationship between literature and art is as strong as the link of this association with its territory: it is a mutual commitment and a same enthusiasm starting from community and its necessity to share meaningful values in order to obtain a general awareness.
In this perspective, reading is an activity allowing an individual relationship with books, the result of intellectual growth of civilization. Furthermore, since reciprocal exchange means cultural enrichment and a new contribution in the field of knowledge, the contamination of different languages, here literature and art, is an original meeting adding innovative creativity expressions to a typical human quality.
Don Chisciotte
Choices are always guided by intention. First of all, this is the reason for the choice of an artist of the territory of Romagna: through his works of art, we can live again the relationship with our local dimension, which is artistically translated into shapes, colours, painting style and, most of all, by Mario Pezzi’s personality.

Furthermore, the choice of a novel and a specific theme: Don Chisciotte. Once more, after the experience of the cruise organized by FARE LEGGERE TUTTI, the theme of journey is proposed here again: it is a metaphor of civilization, discovery, evolution and conquest of awareness as we can find in the main character, an obstinate day-dreamer existing externally from temporal limits. In the education of Don Chisciotte, we can find a typical element of our lives, too, aiming – today as never before – at a personal development and research for an authentic identity. The modernity of Don Chisciotte breaks into literature as an element imposing a new awareness of reality (in opposition to the abandonment to fantasy) and, in this way, inaugurates a practical, active and participative behaviour today situated at the basis of the possibility of a social and economic change.

Art and Sustainable Development
They are appearingly different, but actually they are similar and support each other. The Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda aims at reaching a quality, fair, inclusive education guaranteeing everyone’s learning. Art is certainly one of the preferential way of expressive nature capable of communicating cultural values and allowing the growth of territorial community. In other words, art makes possible for people to elaborate an identity concept: its roots have to be defended and preserved within local communities.
Furthermore, art allows undoubtedly people’s growth and learning: if we imagine well-being is the result of two dimensions, a spiritual and a material one, then art contributes to reach Goal 3 of the 2030 Agenda guaranteeing health and well-being for everyone at any age.
Art, together with literature and culture in general, is able to activate a process of awareness of both the reality and ourselves as people, contributing to the exchange and the acquisition of new common and shared meanings available for the community: local dimension, gathered in and represented by the territory, is where good coexistence in harmony and equilibrium is then possible.
Presenting Mario Pezzi’s exhibition, entitled and with theme Don Chisciotte, we support a cultural (artistic, literary, communicative) cause and we promote at the same time the cause of the territorial sustainable development: through this virtuous connections, relationships and links, we can achieve awareness we have walked another step for the realization of a possible and sustainable civilization.





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