Gender Equality and Sustainability: Women and their Management Culture

10th May 2017. Women Changing Business Companies is the conference of Unimpiego Unindustria Bologna and Fondazione Aldini Valeriani: a detailed study about the themes of women and their management culture including widespread responsibility, collaborative work, mutual trust agreements, possibility for ignored abilities to emerge and to manage the use of time. A culture qualified by courage, innovation, unconventionality to habitual rules for the achievement of a shared well-being.

In all the fields of business organization, management of human resources, industrial relationships with the labor union, creation of welfare plans and promotion of school projects, this culture expresses itself in the practice of everyday business. Let’s see more about this theme.


A Cultural Problem

A cultural change aiming at obtaining more space for women in companies’s management is necessary: first of all, women’s presence in management should not be considered a women’s problem and equality should become a real fact.  Reference models are still absent at this moment and women often find themselves busy in the delicate life-work balance. Few decades are still necessary to reach a condition without prejudices (one of them asserts the existence of women’s and men’s professions): the narration of women’s universe, still strongly anchored in a stereotype of difficulty and sacrifice, should change.

Interventions all agreed to the expression of the fundamental importance of the women’s presence in management and, in general, more gender equality: Nicoletta Grosso of Unindustria Bologna, Rita Finzi, President of the Legacoop ER Region Equal Opportunities Commission, Rosanna Masi, Poggipolini Entrepreneur, Elisabetta Ziri, mathematician and founder of Nemoris, a technological startup managed only by women, Chiara Boschieri, AD of Marthe Health Care, Daniela Dubla, Founder.

These are all women’s quality projects contributing to the quality of mankind life and working for the planetary wellbeing.

SaraCironeGroup: a community and my contribution to civilization

Many stories have been told about very young entrepreneur women struggling for the affirmation of their own talent and the force of their own heart. It was a moment of shared comprehension: all stories involved the cultural deficit these women all faced at the beginning and for which women are considered at a secondary level in management. This has also been my story and my self-narration: I fought to win discriminations and social denunciation which stigmatised me as a woman. I have just founded a community to share models, methods and instruments for civilization with the companies of the territory.

I believe that, even if we think our life is free and our civilization is advanced, we experience a great cultural poverty. The inequality in the perception of women’s contribution to civilization determines also an imbalance in men because they are necessarily two parts of a whole.  

A Shared Enhancement

For the first time United Nations included the theme of gender equality and women empowerment in their sustainable development program (2030 Agenda): Goal 5 (specific objective) and other targets (in 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 11 objectives) concern this theme.

Gender Relationship in the Global World

We live in a completely globalized world experiencing rapid and important changes. Even though this scenery highly aims at economic growth and human development, gender differences still seems to persist and crystallize. This highlights the existing gap between the two genders, which is independent from nationality, ethnicity, caste, religion, social class, economic condition and physical ability.

Contemporary society offers opportunities to women and young women as occasion for their enhancement from their social condition: even though this apparently positive situation, the difference between genders and their relations still exists and, for this very reason, a supervision and a concrete project of specific intervention actions is requested.


Gender is an element marking difference, but it does not imply disequality. Nowadays, in particular, it allows us to conduct an analysis and evaluation of social reality by the interpretation of injustice episodes, women and young women exclusion and deprivation in the light of national and international law tables.

A Specific Goal

Particularly, Goal 5 proposes the achievement of gender equality and emancipation of all women and young women. If the first point is the elimination of every women discrimination (5.1), the following points aim at: (5.2) eliminating gender violence in both public and private spheres, (5.3) eliminating negative practices, (5.4) recognizing care work by offering public services and the promotion of sharing of household work and family care, (5.5) women’s participation in every level of political and economic decision, (5.6) giving universal access to health, sexual health and reproductive rights, (5.a) launching reforms in order to give access to economic resources (such as land property and other forms of property) to women, (5.b) giving access to technology and, in particular, in the information and communication fields, and, in the end, (5.c) supporting gender equality and women and young women empowerment at every level.

Cross Objectives

Other objectives of the 2030 Agenda are just crossed by the consideration of gender relationships. Particularly, women participation is essential:

  • to end poverty (O.1), for the achievement of the promotion of a sustainable agriculture (O.2), as a guarantee of health and well-being for everybody (O.3), for the reduction of inequalities within a single State (O.10), to change present cities in inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ones (O.11), contributing to guarantee sustainable models of production and consumption (O.12), adopting measures to fight weather changes and their consequences (O.13), for a sustainable use of the world ecosystem (O.15), and for the promotion of companies supporting peace and justice also through development cooperation (O.16).

  • to empower global partnership for sustainable development (O.17).

Furthermore, women should have equal opportunities to participate in:

  • education (O.4), water management (O.6), access and management of energy (O.7); right to a full and productive employment (O.8) and a sustainable industry (O.9).


Gender Equality and Sustainability

Sustainability is an objective to pursue and to dedicate the possibility of realization in a concrete model. Actions supporting and included in this perspective show a very different nature with a unique aim: among these ones, we can find gender inequalities.

Beyond and beside those specific and cross 2030 Agenda principles we have referred to, we believe gender awareness is a way to incentivize and to increase the prevention of inequalities.

The awareness of our own identity, which is unique for history, authenticity and spirituality, helps us to translate this value into everyday practices. In this way,  everyday we walk one new step in the direction of a truly sustainable model which is possible with everyone’s active commitment.





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