Interview with Alberto Stancari

We have entered the “Fourth Industrial revolution”.

What does it mean?

It means that the Italian PMI (Small to Medium-sized Companies) are facing yet another challenge: to keep up to pace with a high-speed technological evolution and large foreign competitors in order to stay competitive also in the future.

After realizing that this is the context in which every company operates, it becomes of fundamental importance to start quickly a self-analysis process and find the appropriate solutions to the following aspects, tailor-made on the specific competitive framework and one’s own company:
– New business models
– New governance and organizational charts
– New operative models and marketing
– New competences

Which is the approach of ESAPROFESSIONAL NETWORK then?

During the last few years we have perfected a calibrated approach of the small to medium-sized companies, which basically relies on:
– Identification of the REAL OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, according to the business model and the strategic framework of each single company.
– Practical support in the implementation of a process of OPEN INNOVATION within also the small to medium-sized companies, providing substantial aid in putting also small companies in the conditions to access avant-guarde competences through an outsourced Research and Development service.
– Credentials to ARCIPELAGO START-UP, i.e. a selection of the most virtuous and, at the same time, accessible innovative start-ups, with practical serviceability also in the most traditional production processes.

What will you talk about during the YOUFM convention of May 24th?

We will introduce three visionary innovative entities, with a very practical profile, that will illustrate what can be done in three of the main sectors of Industry 4.0.
– DIGITAL VIEWS, developing quality control systems with visual digital technologies;
– TOMORROW DATA, among the few to offer companies the technological warranty of integration of any factory data to develop IOT applications (Internet Of Things);
– LIVEMOTE, an avant-guarde player in factory-integrated Magnified Reality solutions.





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