She closes with Stafer and she aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the territory through the Benefit Society she has recently founded.
An unexpected news: Sara Cirone has resigned as CEO form Stafer, an engineering company of the land that has faced the great crisis of the construction market over the past ten years and that has emerged stronger, and that represents an example for its implemented management model and for its relations established with the workers, the trade unions and the territory.

Why this choice?
It’s exactly for the good that I saw and experienced in Stafer that I feel I have to answer to what life is asking me: ensure that this economic-humanistic-sustainable model, characterised by a responsible evolution, can become the heritage for all. That’s why I’ve decided to devote myself to the Sara Cirone Group, the Benefit society that I recently confounded and that intends to provide consulting services to all stakeholders who can contribute to the sustainability of a territory, so that they work together, in dialogue and harmony, for the same purpose: the economic and sustainable development.

You talk about an experienced good. Can you explain us what are you leaving?
I’m leaving a company composed of competent and aware people having a good system of work. And, these days, this is no small thing. I’ve addressed to the workers a letter with my thanks for the precious work done together. As well as I’ve thanked the Board for the esteem and trust they have always had in me.

However hard times are never missed in recent years.
That’s true, I told the workers too, we went through difficult years, that obliged us to put ourselves out there, but it has allowed us to new opportunities and it has made us stronger and more united, so that we could gain the respect of the market, of the institutions and of the trade union organisations, up to the recognition of the Balance Sheet Oscar for the best Integrated Report.

The Report, a great news of these years, that represents an evolution towards a new vision that considers the company from many points of view.
The Integrated Report summarised what I tried to communicate and to provide through my work: an innovative vision of the company that, for me, is not just an economic-financial activity, but a common good, the importance of which is expressed through a number of actions able to produce value on the entire territory and for all actors connected to the company, always bearing in mind the perspective of the Sustainability. During my actions, I’ve always tried to place the person and her personal and training needs at the centre and I’ve wished to implement a business model which was humanistic and participatory, so that everyone felt involved and aware of what his work was producing.

Your choice is unexpected and brave. From your point of view, how is the economy on the whole? The Italian one and in particular the economy of our territory?
According to the recent Report of the Confindustria’s Study Centre, the Italian economy is at a standstill. We are at the threshold of the zero growth and we risk the recession. We need a change of pace, and, above all, of mentality and a new vision of a new perspective on things. We need the reconstruction of trust, that is a crucial factor so that there can be again the growth of the domestic demand, the real weak link of our economy. It’s necessary that politics implements appropriate actions to boost growth and encourage its social cohesion. In my opinion, for example, if we started from accelerating the concrete implementation of the goals of the Agenda 2030, we could do a lot. It would be enough that everybody did even a little in this sense. For this reason, my new activity wishes to start from this point, in order to foster the territories, to start from companies, from public administrations, from associations, from the ecosystem in which they are, in order to create value for all.

For a long time now, we have been talking about economic crisis, the effects of which continue today. What time are we living in?
In my opinion, the crisis can be an opportunity. I say that because crisis often force us to think about ourselves, to review our own attitudes and our models of development.  As pope Francesco always says, and I entirely agree with this thought, the crisis that is involving our planet is an economic, anthropologic and ethic crisis, that starts above all from the wear and tear of human relationships and that creates the culture of waste, a real “pandemic disease of the modern world” that no longer considers human life and the respect and the protection of the weakest a value to be protected.

You bring positivity
I have a degree in Classical Literature. The anthropologic aspect of my studies made a contribution to my personal and professional experience, and also to my thought: the possibility to know in detail social, economic and cultural systems of the main civilisations of the past – from the Greek-Roman one to the Byzantine one through the pre-Columbian civilizations – offered me a special point of view to analyse the evolution of the human civilisation in a broad sense and to develop an overview of the development of the society, composed of a territory, of the institutions that administer it, of the resources that enrich it and, above all, of the people who live in it.

Thanks to the newspaper “Il Piccolo” for the interview.






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