Stafer: Doors open towards sustainability


Dear friends,

On Friday, September 12, 2014 took place at the Stafer plant of Faenza the third “Open Day” since I was CEO of the firm. The plant in via Malpighi opened its doors from 5:30pm to welcome all those who wanted to get through moreclosely to the company and its staff, who greeted and escorted outside visitors and their families, in a tour as pleasant as interesting through workstations of the manufacturing department of the plant, with technical contribution by our engineers. At the end of the visit, the participants gathered round at the threshold where they attended the projection of some video and pictures on the projects that Stafer realized. After the projection of an extract from the corporate video of Stafer, I wanted to pay homage to the drawings created by the children of our employees, having as main theme “Stafer and sustainability” and which decorated for the first time the company calendar with their figurative artwork. Children of  CREs and CREMs (summer recreation centers for children) of Faenza, have instead painted, with moving commitment the panels intended to embellish the latest important eco-friendly project by Stafer: the company vegetable garden. In Stafer we started off the project called “Sta’fer l’ort”, playing with the brand name Stafer and the local dialect, thanks to the essential contribution of the plant manager, Ms. Barbara Bellachioma and the one of the PLEF foundation (which was essential to turn an idea into reality). This space, placed in a recovered courtyard area of the plant, has become in May a thriving corner of fruit and vegetable production. The project of the garden not only aims to stimulate the spirit of cohesion among employeeswho have actively participated in its realization and who in turn take care of it, but it is also proving to be a valuable source of food for corporate events such as this very “Open Day”.  It indeed ended with a convivial moment consisting of a rich buffet, part of which was actually prepared byusing fruits and vegetables form the garden. I can proudly point out that the open day and the company vegetable garden represent two exemplary models of my concept of sustainability and participation !!

Until my next post

Sara Cirone





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