Stafer supports the "Day of the Foodies"

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We would like to invite all of you to participate to the event “The Day of Foodies” which will take place from today, April, 24th, to April, Monday, 27th, at the Social Centre “La Stalla” located in Via del serraglio, 20b in Imola. It is an event created in 2011 and sponsored by the Imola Games that deals with creating meeting places for the kids making them socialize through card games, board games and that in the last year has been expanding the concept of socialization collecting the different realities of the territory. The Day of Foodies aims to prepare recipes with ingredients of the highest quality in a simple, informal and affordable way.
We have decided to support the Day of Foodies because, in the same way of Stafer, this festival is very sensitive to issues of sustainability: in order to reduce the impact of the dishes, the cutlery and the plastic trays, during the event, they  will be replaced with porcelain plates and containers made of cardboard. The festival will also present a number of products coming from 0 km from local suppliers.
For more information you can find attached the full program of the event
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