215 organizations will be on 1st and 2nd October at the Show of the Corporate Social Responsibility and of the Social Innovation which will be held at the Bocconi University of Milano:

We too will be there as every year
The social innovation is a constitutive part of the reason for being of the Sara Cirone Group Benefit society, which considers the responsible corporate evolution its own mission and precisely because this society qualifies as Benefit, she acknowledges the strategic importance of the sustainability and she intends to create a long-lasting agreed value.

What is the responsible corporate evolution?
The deployment of cultural models of humanist nature, along with legal forms of undertakings, economic paradigms and managerial sustainable tools and methods, in order to support the cultural growth of the territory, the awareness of all the stakeholders and the sustainable development of communities; the fostering of the development of participated projects between enterprises, non-profit organisations and public administrations, thus enhancing the intellectual capital in all its forms, in order to promote the evolution and the progress of the tangible and intangible assets belonging to all the subjects and the territorial communities; the spread of the non-financial reporting instruments, aimed at enhancing the sustainable strategic vision in the organisations, in order to encourage the adoption of the culture of sustainability as a guide for all the territorial communities: that is the idea of responsible corporate evolution that our Group is pursuing.

In Italy sustainability is increasingly claimed
According to statistics, 74% of Italians feel involved first-hand in sustainability and 83% think that the main reason to make sustainable choices is the protection of future generations. Seven out of ten consumers are willing to pay more for products from sustainable brands that make responsible use of the resources, exert control over the supply chain and are attentive to rights and to the welfare of workers. Since 2012 to date, 55% of Italian investors have increased the capital that was allocated in sustainable investment funds, with a much higher efficiency than the traditional financial markets.

This brings out the relevance of the issue of the sustainability and the social innovation, so CSR Show becomes the central event to encourage the meeting and the discussion involving responsible enterprises and all the subjects which pay particular attention to social and environmental issues with a view to a sustainable future.

Save the date
In particular, the specialists of our group will take part in two events.

Andrea Ragazzini will be among the rapporteurs during the meeting “The important thing is to report” (October the 1st from 14:00 to 16:00), an opportunity to think about the evolution of the setting with regard to transparency. The discussion will take inspiration from the fact that in large companies as well as in public administrations the sustainability reports are increasing and that 2019 has been the second year for the enforcement of the legislation on non-financial reports, the introduction of which has often carried companies to discover and acknowledge the strategic importance of CSR and its communication. In particular, Andrea Ragazzini and Roberto Parmeggiani, the mayor of Sasso Marconi, he too rapporteur in the meeting, will submit the case of the first Integrated Report of an Italian Municipality, which has been drawn up las spring by our Benefit and the city officials: a very considerable work from a technic scientific perspective and also in terms of avant-garde and evolution for the whole territorial community.

– Sara Cirone will be among the rapporteurs during the meeting “From strategy of sustainability to integrated strategic plan” (October the 1st from 11:00 to 13:00) in which she will analyse the present situation in Italy, where the sustainability enters more and more in business strategies. During the meeting several aspects will be addressed: from the planning of sustainability strategies to the definition of measuring instruments, from the internal sharing to opportunities and criticality when reporting the social and environmental commitment.

So, the Csr Show is an important opportunity to make together a concrete move towards a prosperous future for the whole community.






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