The Logic of Connections and the Humanistic Management

The Logic of Connections and the Humanistic Management   by Sara Cirone.
The Università delle Persone (University of the People) and the Fondazione Enzo Spaltro (Enzo Spaltro Foundation) will present the IXth Convegno di PrimaveraBellezza e Futuro” (“Beauty and Future” Spring Convention) at the Hotel Dante in Cervia on the 23rd and 24th of March 2018.
The logic of connections
Our epoch is characterized by the evolutionary passage from the logic of conflicts to the logic of connections. This is the initial point for the verification and the explanation at the same time of a real quantum leap in the human way of thinking. In other words, the system of dualism and conflicts (the one where wars and violence happen) is replaced by a negotiating and relational system with a collaborative and mutual logic.
A holistic way of thinking
This evolution in the way of thinking entails the affirmation of a holistic perspective. Its theoretical inauguration was set by great thinkers such as Bateson, Hillman and Jung. This theory assumes that all the elements of a system are connected and – at the same time –  they are interconnected with other elements of other systems which in turn are also connected. This holistic perspective and the logic of connections allow us to find solutions for contemporary problems such as starvation, education, health and aggressiveness with absolutely inconceivable and unimaginable ways.
A new way of learning and associations
The new dimension of  learning is creative and counts on people  as resources for the invention of new knowledge. The new learning involves people learning how to learn and teaching how to teach. Moreover, the new learning is collective and brings people together to learn in a mature and complete modality. In particular, according to Enzo Spaltro, associations are an instrument of freedom capable to generate trust and to intermediate the power of business companies and the one of politics.
Beauty is present in the touch of creation as an original quality that we can still find in people, environment and relations that are positively appealing. Today beauty is equally present in the intervention and in the care that we practice towards the living world according to a sustainable perspective.
Many people, just one culture: beauty
Volunteers, managers, music directors: many and various different experiences that share a unique culture of beauty. The culture of people, of the human beings’ uniqueness and dignity, the culture of gratuity and community, the culture  of creativity and inventions, the culture of mutual growth, the culture of participation and hospitality.

The connections of ideas
Among the different important connections for the human well-being, range the associations between group ideas, future and beauty. In the light of a particular association, the chiasmus, deriving from the Greek and meaning intersection, the association between the two words “beauty and future” will be analysed. The themes will be the future of beauty and the beauty of the future.
The chiasmus is at the intersection of various meanings and originates a new creation, in the same way that a new cultural invention is achieved when we accept mystery as an unseverable concept for our existence.
The future of beauty
The first result of the chiasmus expresses concern through the question: “what will happen to beauty in the future?”. This antipode of the chiasmus limits the idea of well-being with the redefinition and new conceptualization of the words discomfort, well-being, being-in-beauty, zero-value and variable value quantitative and qualitative power, kindness  and beauty, revenge and forgiveness, myth and game. In this view, a new model of development – starting from the consideration of the individual, proceeding with the subject and the citizen and then including also the community – is necessary.
The beauty of the future
The second result of the chiasmus among beauty and future is the beauty of the future: an affirmation of beauty in relation to the future that is also an expression of well-being. In fact, the continuous return from physical objectivity and psychical subjectivity of time leads to a definition of well-being as an interpretation as the possibility and the capability to express and self-express ourselves. The assertive and expressive antipode of the beauty of the future is organized in five mental dispositions (association of ideas): positive contamination, style, chiasmus, forgiveness and the empty box or mystery.
Humanistic management and connections
Sara Cirone has explained her experience of a humanistic management. Precisely, the society of connections we live in can directly lead us to the basis of the this model of management. In fact, they both share the concepts of beauty and well-being, person and community, which can find together a natural association as  they both recover a holistic perspective thorugh the affirmation of the connection of everything. We can understand how the limits between management, sociology, physics and philosophy simply do not exist. In fact, only with their mutual cooperation they can lead to achieve a further level of knowledge, project and future for the whole civilization.





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