The Matese Park and the Creation of Value

13th May 2017. In the event Molise Tourism and Nature: towards Matese National Park in Vinchiaturo, our commitment was in synergy with the supporters of local naturalistic heritage, the one participating in our national cultural system: in this way, local shared identity was reinforced and consolidated.

In this view, Matese National Park represents the opportunity of expression of a local and regional identity in a strategical perspective of a sustainable development model.

During the event, speeches were of remarkable value. According to Angelo Premiani, UNPLI – Unione Pro Loco Molise President, the creation of Matese National Park represents an economic and touristic starting point for Molise region, still a partially unknown territory: a renovated system of accomodation capacities and new touristic places of interest – a part of a territorial and natural heritage and an abundantly available resource in Molise – should be programmed. In this view, Consorzio delle Proloco del Matese’s foundation is important:  this union of tour operators’ strategies enhances their offer.

Luigi Valente, Vinchiaturo Major, agreed with the fundamental importance of the Park for the economical development of the Region and for the offer to young people new job opportunities on the territory. Vincenzo Cotugno, Molise Regional Council President, explains parks’ relaunch is a critical point for Italian Government, which issued a specific draft law for the promotion of new management processes for 23 national parks. Domenico Izzi, Regional Councillor, and Senator Roberto Ruta greeted the audience and congratulated Minister Galletti for this initiative. The event terminated with a session of speeches of Pierpaolo Nagni, Transports and Infrastructure Molise Regional Council Member, and Tommaso Formichelli, PhD Graduate at Sapienza University of Rome, who commented the relationship between man and nature: it has always crucially influenced the structure of human mental attitude. In their natural conditions, human beings lived a symbiotic relationship with other species: this inclination still continues and has survived in cities where mankind still evolves and integrates with nature.

Nature has always strongly influenced men’s everyday life: nowadays, it contributes to local valorization. In fact, everybody agreed Matese National Park represents added value creation: this event can highlight concrete forces of territory and create value starting from regional natural heritage.

Local Heritage and Economic Sustainable Regeneration

A sustainable model represents a universal, possible and efficient economic management with the capability to direct strategically national business culture in the light of a competitive international context: its application will help economic regeneration starting from Small and Medium Enterprises according to natural principles.

Strategic Positioning of the Territory

Territory is essential for the business world as well as a strategic thought with the capability to appeal to its distinctive qualities. In this way, it becomes the keystone of a successful identity given by specific and unique elements. This happens with respect to and in synergy with the local strategic positioning, of sustainable principles and of the business excellence of the territory.

In this regard, intangibles values represent a strategic and economic incentive of critical importance: the economic evolution “goods and needs” close cycle marks a structural passage from material to immaterial goods (the ones referring to art, music, sport, entertainment, leisure, reading, cinema, TV, internet, culture, tourism, wellness, ICT, reciprocal nature, historical, natural relational goods, etc.).

Talking about Sustainable Strategic Positioning of local Small and Medium Enterprises we refer to the connections between business world, environment and territory evaluated in the light of the concepts of target, essential benefit and prices.

Stating a Case: the School of the Territory

The School of the Territory was an initiative of November 2016 in Western Romagna and in the province of Ravenna. It was a learning experiential model planned by PLEF (Planet, Life, Economy Foundation) for business people. It aimed at providing instruments of strategic analysis for various actors (companies, professionals, students) and designed a sustainable economy, with added value and high competitivity level for organizations, quality of life and shared well-being for the territory. Their development involves contributions as key factors, Romagna knowledge and lifestyle, exclusive local qualities. These ones are: historical, natural, cultural and relational goods; economical services and goods; community goods and services. They are unique basis of local heritage.

Positioning and Brand Mapping

Awareness of exclusive and local key factors determines the excellence of business companies and their market positive trend which appears concrete in companies’ operational processes: for this reason, the best expression of local positive qualities, company’s market’s expectations, behaviour of our competitors and our own strategic ambitions are all crucial.

Coherence with Sustainable Perspective

Local valorization is included in the strategic development program of a sustainable model in full compliance with Goal 15 of ONU 2030 Agenda (protecting, renovating and promoting a sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably managing forests, stopping desertification, stopping and preventing soil destruction, stopping the loss of biological variety).

Our responsibility is to increase general attention on these themes and nature. In fact, we promote and support a sustainable economic perspective. This one promotes a general wellbeing, starting and strategically deriving from local territory.





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