The territory is community, environment, identity. The enhancement of the tangible and intangible resources means the awareness of the interactions among all the factors that come into play in creation of the welfare for the human family and for the environment in which she lives and acts, in the interests of the preservation, the care and the realisation for the posterity.
It’s the notion of integral ecology and sustainability that inspires the activity of the Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society.
Here is our first reporting document of the common benefit for the year 2018, the year of its foundation.
Sara Cirone, Business Manager: “We are pleased to share with you all our Value Creation Story”.
Andrea Ragazzini Chief Value Officer: “It has been an exiting year from the perspective of the actions we have carried out and we have never felt alone: we all thank you for it.”

Our common benefit
The diffusion of cultural models of humanist nature, as well as legal forms of undertaking, economic paradigms and sustainable business instruments and methods, in order to support the cultural and environmental increase of the territory, the awareness of all the stakeholders and the sustainable development of the communities; the promotion of the development of participatory projects among enterprises, non-profit institutions and public administrations, enhancing the intellectual Capital in all its forms, for the purpose of encouraging evolution and progress of the tangible and intangible assets of all the subjects and the local communities; the spread of non-financial reporting instruments aimed at enhancing the sustainable strategic view in the organisations, in order to promote the adoption of the culture of sustainability as a guideline for all the local communities: this is the common benefit of the Group, that is a positive impact on people, society, environment, goods and cultural activities that is inherent in the Benefit Society, whose job is done according to responsibility and transparency.

The wish of a regeneration
We are a team of managers and professionals and we are bound by friendship, closeness, collaboration, commitment and shared vision, and we have the great desire to see territories and communities flourish through a regeneration process that creates communication and collaboration among companies, public institutions and organisations, so that economy and society go ever closer to a new model “on a human scale” that treasures the cultural heritage received by the past and that is conscious of its own responsibility towards future generations.

What moves us
We are inspired by the great belief that it’s necessary to restart from the man, from his worldview, his role in the polis to be able to give a new imprint to the development: we are sure that the common good can be achieved by the dropout of the model based on the achievement of the maximum profit and that sees the big and terrible collateral effect of the culture of waste.
What moves us to action is the concrete possibility of a new and different world, where there can be a responsible evolution through an integral ecology, the one that Pope Francis describes very well in the Encyclical Laudato sì and that considers the harmonic interaction of economy, man and environment.

From sustainability an important opportunity for development
Are we therefore dreamers? We don’t think so. Because we have experienced during our professional activity that the introduction of managerial tools of organisation and management in key sustainable and humanistic is an important opportunity of development, just consider that sustainable companies have an increase of the productivity of 15%. That’s why we believe that a vision in which the company is not considered as a real company but as a community which cooperates for the production of goods and services aimed to improve the quality of life of all citizens as well as a conception of the society in key sustainable can bring prosperity and welfare to the man, to the environment and to the whole territory. But, it’s necessary to overcome what Bauman called “retrotopia”, that is the fear of the change that makes us do steps backwards.

What we are doing and what we will do
That’s why the different activities and services our Society has performed in these months and that wants to pursue, from the non-financial report and integrated Report for enterprises and public administrations, strategic development of enterprises and territories, organisational support to PMI, development of cultural and social projects, are held in the light of the Objectives of Sustainable Development of the ONU Agenda 2030, the compass of our activity.
Moreover, as well as these services, have paramount importance all the concrete projects and meetings that have contributed and will contribute to strengthen the awareness of economic operators, public officials and public opinion towards the issues of what we like to describe as responsible evolution. All this because “the future is really open, and it depends on us, on us all. It depends on what you and us and many other men are doing and will do, today, tomorrow and the day next. And what we are doing and we will do depends on our thought and on our wishes, our hopes. It depends on how we see the world and on how we assess the possibilities of the future that are still open.” (Karl Popper)

Download: Report Sara Cirone Group Srl SB_2018






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