2017 ASviS Report: in order to reach its goals, a fundamental change of the present development model becomes necessary

“Italy and its Sustainable Development Goals” 2017 ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) report has been presented for the first time by the spokesman Enrico Giovannini. Thursday 28th September 2017. 2017 ASviS report has been presented at the Italian Parliament.


Sustainability is a Strategic Vision

The present economic crisis and complex society’s increasing challenges make necessary the adoption of an innovative paradigm for the evolution of the planet and our country, too. The choice of the sustainable perspective can be the proper strategic opportunity to correct the evident and structural deviance of our economy. This one has been careful only to the financial dimension, which in the future should be enriched with a deep social, inclusive, environmental sensibility.

ASviS Report

ASviS brings together the collaborative synergy of all the institutions sharing the same perspective of an evolution both for the planet and the whole humanity.

ASviS report allows to disclose a snapshot of the proceeding of the steps towards the 2030 UN Agenda in our country. In this respect, the composite indicators of the 17 sustainable development goals computed by ASviS are used.

ASviS report’s indicators are different from GDP and from official economic indicators. In fact, today these ones are insufficient to explain an economic situation not aimed only at increasing wealth production, but at the creation of a shared and inclusive well-being.


Italy and Sustainable Development

The present condition of sustainability in our country shows the several new steps of these last years. However, these are still inadequate for Italy to be recognized as a country with a complete achieved condition of sustainable development (with reference to 2030 Agenda).

Particularly, our country will not be able to reach the fixed targets for the years 2020 and 2030. Therefore, the present development model should be fundamentally changed. In fact, the new sustainable model theorizes that an increase of GDP determining a return to economy’s growth does not imply a corresponding enhancement of the shared well-being, too. Poverty, inequalities and environmental deterioration of the present economic model are still far from their dramatic reduction planned by 2030 Agenda.

An Increasing Sensibility to Sustainable Development

In the scope of sustainable perspective, we constantly refer to 2030 UN Agenda for sustainable development: it fixed the Goals to reach a perspective of general well-being. In this respect, we have stressed Italy does not comply with the parameters expressed in this fundamental document. However, we can notice the growing attention to 2030 Agenda during the last year. This fact certifies a rising sensibility to these themes and the way they can be concretely realized.


Heading for a Future of Possibile Well-being?

The Italian condition is different from the European general situation and shows accentuation in the local, socio-economic and gender inequalities. All this contrasts with 2030 UN Agenda “nobody stays back” goal.

Hard work is still necessary to produce a cultural change in the ruling class and public opinion. A cultural change is necessary in order to promote a systemic vision of the development for the realization of well-being and quality of life.

This one can concretely realize a possible and sustainable development in our country.

This path made with everyone’s contribute to civilization can start right now.


Here is 2017 ASviS report.





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