“A new more inclusive economy that leaves no one behind”, this is the conclusion of the speakers in the event “From capitalism to consumerism” that took place in Imola on Wednesday 20 November. The frame of this event was Sersanti Palace of the Cassa di Risparmio of Imola Foundation that, as President Fabio Bacchilega explained during his opening speech, has always distributed contributions to projects and institutions belonging to the world of education and training (as for example the university Complex) and contributions to authorities and associations committed to help the weakest. In Imola took place the second of seven steps of the roadshow organised by Sara Cirone Group in partnership with the Federation of the diocesan weekly magazines of Emilia Romagna: this second steps aims to a participatory discussion about how to create sustainable projects in our territory. It’s a series of events that, after Faenza and Imola, will arrive in Ravenna, Forlì, Rimini, Cesena and Bologna, where there will be a refund of the meeting The economy of Francesco, that will take place in Assisi from 26 to 28 March 2020.

A series of meetings for the sake of Emilia Romagna
This series of meetings, in fact, was born, as Sara Cirone stated during her opening speech, “for the sake of the land, Emilia Romagna, and starting from the encyclical of pope Francesco “Laudato sì”, in which the Pontiff goes into the details of our economic system and he brings up many issues from a new point of view, that is directed toward the sustainable economy, so that it’s possible to create value in the territories and to reorganise our way of life with regard to the environment and to ourselves.” The contribution that Sara Cirone Group aims to make in this sense through its own activity is to work so that humanistic managerial models will be taken, aimed at the concrete alignment with the Agenda 2030 and at the exploitation of tangible and intangible goods that have their own communicative and organisational power in an evaluation of the intangible assets and a resultant non- financial report that promotes transparency, strategic planning and involvement.
Then, the debate has got into the heart thanks to the speech of Stefano Dalmonte, President of the Banco Alimentare; Alessandro Curti, founder of the Curti Mechanical Engineering Company, and Manuela Rontini, Councillor of the Emilia Romagna region, coordinated by the journalist Giovanni Bucchi.

The experience of the Banco Alimentare: the exploitation of waste.
Stefano Dalmonte reported that the Banco Alimentare was the result of the exploitation of waste, of food excellence. This entity was born 30 years ago thanks to the meeting between Mons. Luigi Giussani and Mr. Danilo Fossati, founder of the Star, and it’s built on the idea that no one is waste and that it’s necessary to exploit the waste, so that it can become an opportunity to return dignity also to those who can be customers of the waste. “Share the needs to share the meaning of life” is the slogan of the Banco Alimentare. And to do this, to adjust the culture of waste, it’s important to educate to reduce it and to educate to the gift, to contribute to avoid waste and promote the way to look at each other with respect and cordiality and not with suspect. This is the same objective of the National Day of the food Drive that will take place on Saturday 30 November.

Sustainability as respect for the others.
Alessandro Curti pointed out that a greater solidarity is necessary, so that all the stakeholders of the society (banks, schools, companies, etc…) can move in the same direction and can make sure that a sustainable development is concretely implemented. Today Curti Company is 65 years old and has been transformed by great investments in the “green” future through the creation of new zero-emission systems for the recovery of the material, turning it again into raw material. According to Curti, “in order to talk about environmental sustainability, it’s important that companies can have economic sustainability”. He goes on saying that, at the basis of the social system, the sustainability is the respect for the others, is fairness, merit and is realised in an intangible asset that has to be communicated outside and inside the company.

The Region for the care of the common house and the economic growth
Emilia Romagna Region too, outlined Regional councillor Manuela Rontini, is putting in place several actions aimed at promoting responsible consumption of resources, as, for example, the new urban Law or the norm about the circular economy. Everything that has been done has been realised through the attempt to combine the care of the common house with the economic growth, because there is a co- responsibility and a link that holds the society of Emilia Romagna (companies, public administration, associations and civil society).
The challenge before us is to train and to form in order to increase people’s awareness and to promote the change in habits to ensure a brighter future of our civilisation.  






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