We too will be at the launch Conference of the O.I.B.R. Foundation about “Creation of Value and Sustainability: Towards New Models of Reporting and Governance” on the 9th October at 16.45 pm, which will take place at the Catholic University in Milano (in the Pio XI audience hall) with the presence of about thirty important Italian and international rapporteurs.

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Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society is founding partner of the non-profit Foundation “Italian Organisation of Business Reporting” (O.I.B.R.) (, heir and successor of the multi-annual work of the Italian Business Reporting Network (NIBR) acting in the public interest.

Prof. Mervyn King
After the official greetings of the Magnifico Rector of the S.Cuore Catholic University, Franco Anelli, the framework report will be performed by Professor Alessandro Lai, the President of the O.I.B.R. Foundation, followed by the opening key-note speech of Professor Mervyn King. Professor King is a prominent and charismatic figure in the world of the sustainable development and of the non-financial report, known for the range of progressive codes of behaviour of the listed South African, codes which are based on sustainable principles. (the “King codes”), Chair Emeritus of Council of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), and Chair Emeritus of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), lawyer, judge, personal friend and closest collaborator of Nelson Mandela and of several General Secretaries of UN. He is the author of very successful professional books, including the last two “The chief Value Officer: Accountants Can Save the Planet” and “Auditor: Quo Vadis?”. He is also “Professor Extraordinaire” at the University of Johannesburg in South-Africa.

For further information:

Five Panel
There will be five Panel dedicated to as many issues of great importance about the non-financial and integrated disclosures:

– Climate change: an emerging financial risk to the banks and the assurances;
Governance and Sustainability: an institutional and multi-stakeholder perspective;
Management control and integrated and non-financial disclosures: a report to (re)discover?
Corporate reporting: quo vadis?
Integrated Reporting of sustainability: emerging trends in the practices of the SMEs, of the benefit societies and of the non-profit organisations.

In Emilia Romagna arises the first Integrated Report of Italy of a Municipality
“The integrated Report of Sasso Marconi” is the title of the speech of Andrea Ragazzini during the Convention. The first Italian public Administration which has an Integrated Report is in Emilia Romagna, it’s a tool which enhances the real purpose of the administrative action, i.e. the creation of value inside the community of reference. The Report, written following the Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council, brazes a new trail towards the management of the territory in sustainable way, because it has been realised by highlighting the correlations between the actions of the Municipality and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). This correlation is available in the whole Report, because the activity of Sasso Marconi Municipality incorporates in its own policy objectives the 17 goals of the Agenda 2030, paying particular attention to the support that the Municipality gives to achieve the Sustainable Development goals put in place by Emilia Romagna.






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