7 meetings for the Common Benefit
“The target is not to gather information or to satisfy our curiosity, but to become painfully aware, to dare to turn into personal pain wat happens in the world, and then discover what each of us can do about it.”
These are words with which Pope Francesco presented the international event “The economy of Francesco” which will take place from 26th to 28th March 2020 in Assisi. A great world gathering with the participation of thousand young people, entrepreneurs, economists and change-maker to make a deal in the spirit of Saint-Francis so that the economy of today and tomorrow is fairer, fraternal, sustainable and with a new leading role of those who today are excluded.
In the wake of this most important occasion, Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society has promoted and organised a program of 7 seminars in 7 different dioceses of our Region, inviting the press of the diocese of Emilia-Romagna, among them the lead “Il Piccolo” of Faenza and the local Administrations to participate to the project.

The aim is to reflect on the Emilia-Romagna area about these issues of the Value Creation for all the Italian territories.

The encyclical Laudato Si for the Common Benefit
Starting from the encyclical Laudato Si of the Holy Father Francesco, different topics will be developed to understand how private organisations, public institutions and civil associations can produce Common Benefit.
The issue of the Sustainability, in fact, is being increasingly recognized in the national and international discussion and some days ago, Minister Roberto Gualtieri spoke during the ceremony of the 2019 ASviS’ Report ceremony: he said that the future of the fiscality of companies and organisations will increasingly be based on the principle of Sustainability. For this reason, it was considered to put to take advantage of various skills, in order to enhance in our Emilia-Romagna area the awareness about these issues and to encourage the sustainable development, spreading cultural models of humanist nature, business sustainable methods and non-financial reporting instruments, in line with the common benefit and the economic paradigm about which the encyclical Laudato Si talks.

7 meeting in 7 Dioceses about 7 issues.
During each of the 7 meetings, which will take place in 7 different Dioceses of Emilia-Romagna, it will be deepened a different passage from the encyclical of Pope Francesco about the Care of the Common Home, on the basis of that “Principle of the Common Benefit” which, as well as it gives a title to the Fourth Chapter Article IV of the encyclical, is the basis of every action and consideration made by Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society through its own work, carrying out the Common Benefit as in its Statute, aimed at enhancing the territory through the social, environmental and economic sustainability.

Meetings are held as follow:

– 1st meeting: Faenza (October) – “The Common Benefit. For persons, companies and territories”. With reference to the article of the encyclical it will be explained the topic of Common Benefit in general terms: what it is and how we produce in the organisations’ world. What is the role of companies, of non-profit institutions, of associations, of public institutions and of the Catholic world.

– 2nd meeting: Imola (November) – “From Capitalism to consumerism. The culture of the waste”. It will be explained the topic of the waste and of the culture that generates it. Starting from the last, the marginalized, we will se that, in the future, also because of the technologic development, many of the current competences will no longer be requested on the labour market and it will be necessary to find a new perspective of training and reintegration.

– 3rd meeting: Ravenna (December) – “The city for everyone. Biodiversity and breakdown of society.” The consideration starts from the abilities that a whole community can express by suggesting and achieving a respectful and regenerative development of the territory. Considering the huge and disordered growth of some towns involving their own population in the discomfort of living increasingly covered in asphalt, concrete, glass and metal, with the consequent deep and melancholic dissatisfaction in the relationships and the harmful and painful isolation citizens are living, we will see how a change of direction is possible, in order to bring the person in touch with nature.

– 4th meeting: Forlì (January) – “Fair market. Justice in the new economic paradigm”. During this step of the roadshow, it will be explained the topic of the global and local iniquity. What should a fair market be, respecting the competition and enhancing it, a market which doesn’t steal resources at other territories and which remains competitive in the macro as well as in the micro?

– 5th meeting: Cesena (February) – “Human resources. The relationships in organisations”. This meeting will show how an organisation (company, association, institutions, etc…) is a community and reference point for the development of a territory and not a separate organisation. How an organisation connects with stakeholders, enhances them or deteriorates them according to the behaviour.

– 6th meeting: Rimini (March) – “Circular economy. New models of production and consumption for the territory”. We will see how it’s possible to go from a “take-make-dispose” economy, based on the availability and the exploitation of great amount of resources and energy – a model which is increasingly unable to the reality in which we work – to a new economy model which is planned for reuse the material in following productive runs, by minimizing the wastes.

– 7th meeting: Bologna (May) – “Sustainable Economy. The role of the company inf the responsible evolution”. During the last meeting, we will see how in the last two decades as arisen the need to a rethink of the development model, which bets on the innovation and the sustainability, inside a system which is able to create shared value for everyone. The company as a community of people working for the community is a sustainable reality if its activities have a value for the society, for the environment and for the culture. In a global vision of an enterprise lacks vision the investment in a subject whose only perspective is the increase in revenue: in fact, a company which is dedicated only to maximising profit cannot be sustainable in long term and it’s bound to run out.

These are ideas that, today, thanks to the global sharing of information, are affordable for all citizens, who make their own choices, conscious of their responsibility in the sustainability of the society and of the environment. In fact, a new process of conversion of the application has begun, which opens for the more farsighted companies a new sensitive ever-expanding market and which will leave on the edge all the unsustainable companies, designed to be considered as obsolete and crystallised in an outdated model.

So, companies are facing a huge challenge: the one we have called responsible Evolution.

You just can look at the reality to understand that it’s no time for waiting, but to act towards this new paradigm of Common Benefit. The series of our meetings is devoted to this.






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