Sara Cirone Group Srlb has just realised the Integrated Report of Sasso Marconi Municipality. This small town is the first Italian municipality to provide itself with this important and innovative tool of measurement and communication which is able to supply the framework of the process of value creation and to provide a management model which can create benefit and which can relate and report its targets linked to the UN 2030 Agenda. This activity is part of the Common Benefit which characterizes the Sara Cirone Group Benefit Company.

What is a Benefit Company?
The 2016 Stability Law – L. n. 208/2015 – introduces in Italy the Benefit Company, a new legal status characterised by large clarity, responsibility and sustainability and by the fact that, during its setting up, this company must state in its own Statute in addition to the Corporate Purpose a Common Benefit. So, it’s about a development expression of the undertaking concept: in fact, it’s a for-profit company which has also the purpose to have a positive effect on the society, persons, communities, territory and environment, on the properties and the cultural and social activities, on the institutions and associations and on others stakeholders, creating in this way a value which is endorsed by the community. This positive effect must be clearly and completely reported in an annual reporting.

The Common Benefit of the Sara Cirone Group SrlB as reported on the statute of the company is characterized as follows: A. by spreading cultural models of humanist nature, as well as legal forms of undertaking, economic paradigms and sustainable management tools and methods, in order to support the cultural development of the territory, the awareness of all the stakeholders and the sustainable development of the communities: B. by promoting the development of participatory projects among companies, no-profit institutions and public administrations, enhancing the intellectual capital in all its forms, in order to foster the evolution and the progress of the tangible and intangible assets of all subjects and local communities: C.  by spreading the non-financial reporting instruments, aimed at enhancing the sustainable strategic vision in the organizations, in order to support the deployment of the sustainability culture as the guideline for all local communities.

The Integrated Report of Sasso Marconi Municipality In view of all this, the drafting of the Integrated Report of Sasso Marconi is part of the Common Benefit of the new-Co of Imola and it acts as an absolutely novelty in the scenario of the Italian Public Administrations. In fact, the Sasso Marconi Municipality become a pioneer of an innovative report system which combines the financial perspective with the intangible assets perspective and which incorporates the principle of sustainability in social and economic systems, since therein are highlighted the links with the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and with the measurement system identified by Emilia Romagna Region. So, the drafting of the Integrated Report allows Institutions to act a real layout of all the tangible and intangible resources which are part of their own Social Relational Understood (relationships with external key stakeholders), of the Organisational Capital (internal processes), of the Human Resources (skills, knowledge, ability), of the Natural Capital (activities that affect the environment), of the Physical Capital (movable and immovable property) and of the Financial Capital. Therefore, it contributes to the development of the civilization, by promoting the benefit, the evolution and the progress of the territory and of the communities with a view to Sustainability. 







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