Resint project: Resilience Management meets university

Forlì – On Wednesday May 20th, the meeting on the Resint Project, promoted by the University of Bologna, took place at the Teaching Hub of the University Campus of Forlì.
The Resint Project aims at realizing programs of study for the management of the activity of Recilience, that is the ability to face positively traumatic or catastrophic events and to reorganize successfully and efficiently recovery actions for a sudden return to normality. The project demands the training of experts in this subject matter and the elaboration of open source innovative platforms, based on ultra advanced technologies, with the aim of developing solutions and competences increasingly requested by public and private sector. At the meeting, together with Professor Massimo Bianchi, responsible of the project, Laura Tampieri and Gabriele Branchetti (Unibo), you can see him in the photo while showing the audience his project of Resilience Management about the environment of Second Life (, Diego Cioce (Sudgestaid), Giulia Caselli (Ser.In.Ar.), José Luis Alonso (Metaforum), the students of the Pilot Course organized at the Economy Management and Statistics School in the courses of Simulation of Enterprise supported by Ser.In.Ar. (Integrated Area Services), a company which promotes and substains the activities organized by the University of Bologna, represented for the occasion by Alberto Zambianchi and Fabrizio Abbondanza, President and director of Ser.In.Ar., respectively.





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