Stafer Card: the Emilia-Romagna Region Recognized and Awarded its Value

Diapositiva1On Tuesday, December 15th, 2015, Stafer was awarded a special mention for the Stafer Card project. The Emilia-Romagna Region, as institution supporting companies, recognized the value of this initiative in the context of the First Award on Corporate Social Responsibility.

Stafer Card is a project that most of all focuses on people. Stafer internal resources were directly involved to select and indicate in a questionnaire the business activities for a convention aimed at obtaining exclusive benefits in their daily purchases. One of the innovations that distinguishes Stafer Card from other conventions systems is the fact that during its project development a participatory model was consciously applied and were allowed to keep only the shops of the area of Faenza which are most appreciated and most useful to workers.
Stafer Card is not just a case of corporate collective participation, but this project remains a reference case for Corporate Social Responsibility because it is developed by a small engineering industry (where 65 persons work) and still is able to involve a large number of services which are not only commercial, but also of professional, such as medical centers, law firms, tax consulting and so on. This conferred to the Card a spirit of uniqueness  and allowed people to have an economic benefit value.
The interrelationship with the territory and the social sharing, in this sense, are the values ​​that accompany the project in all its phases and determine the spirit of Stafer Card: the ability to recall a conception of social ethics, aimed at the good and welfare of people and increasing their happiness. This relationship with the territory involved more than 80 exercises and local services: it is an important way for contributing to the economy of a determinate context. The idea that has been achieved within this project is to create a virtuous circle between the company and the values ​​indicated in the center of its activities: its people and its territory. Stafer Card inaugurates a network of fruitful relationships through a strong and lasting link.
Stafer Card points out that a company does not only produce material goods, but something beyond: an immaterial and intangible value which can generate competitive advantage for the entire territorial system in which the company is rooted. Furthermore, it becomes especially of ethical value and of strong and positive  social impact.

Stafer in this way fully represents our vision: contributing to welfare of people and the territory and also collecting the contemporary and emerging spirit that is called collaborative consumption or, with the most commonly used term, sharing economy, which can be intended as an economic model based on of a set of exchange and sharing practices.

This model is particularly attentive to the impact classic consumerism creates on the environment and society. Seizing the real benefit of this model, unequivocally linked to the concept of typical posterity which is also typical of sustainable vision of Bruntland, Stafer is in this sense a responsible company that works constantly to improve its impact by helping to deliver to future generations a world which is more respectful of environmental, economic and social systems. Stafer Card fully represents the current lifestyle which bases its relations on trust, reciprocity, exchange and sharing.





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