The R Factor, the Forum on the Romagna regional economics

The second edition of “the R Factor”, the Forum on the Romagna regional economics organized by Cesena Fiera, Confindustria Romagna e EY will be held on Friday September 21st from 9 a.m. till 12.30 p.m. c/o Cesena Fiera. It represents a great opportunity to talk to some outstanding representatives of the local entrepreneurs, institutions and corporate trade associations on the economic and financial situation of our territory, with a specific focus on sustainability.

The starting point will be the presentation of the results of a research on the Sustainable Growth of the Ecosystem of the Romagna regional territory, whose analysis stems from around seventy interviews with the main actors of the companies and institutions of our region, on an Economic, Financial and Territorial level.

Two round tables to follow: “Networking and external communication. How to the territory of Romagna attractive and competitive”, with the participation of Bruno Piraccini, president of Orogel, Patrizia Leardini, director of Gruppo Costa Parchi, Fabrizio Togni, GM Bper, and Sara Cirone, CEO of Stafer.

The second round table, “Innovation and competences. How to attract talent in order to grow” will host the contributions of Romina Urbinati, GM of Urbinati, Angelo Benedetti, president and GM of Unitec Group, Alfredo Fioretti, president of CMC, e Roberto Bozzi, plant director of Vulcaflex. 

The event will be closed with the lectio magistralis of Eric Maskin, Nobel Prize for economics in 2007 and the interview to Presidente of the Region Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini. 

The whole event will be presented by the Radio24 journalist Sebastiano Barisoni.

The event promises to be rich in high-level contents with an aim to design future perspectives of our extraordinary territory.





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